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Quick Start


Visual Studio Code

  1. Install VSCode if you haven't done so already.
  2. Download and install the extension from the Marketplace. Clicking on Install should open VSCode and automatically install the extension for you.


We publish the exact same version of the VSCode extension to You can install the extension with the exact same feature as VSCode, using VSCodium.

Other LSP Clients (Neovim, Lapce)

LSP binaries are shipped with each release.


Once the VSCode extension is installed, the quickest way to setup your Sourcemod environment is to press Ctrl + Shift + P and type SM: Install Sourcemod, press enter and choose the version you wish to use. This will download and configure the desired latest build of spcomp and the Sourcemod includes.

For more information see the Configuration section.

Editing a project

After setting up your environment, you can open any SourcePawn project and start editing it!


To get the best editing experience, make sure that you open the parent folder of your project and not just a single file in VSCode. Otherwise, some project references may not be resolved correctly.